So this is the fifth and final part of our Coolboard series. This part gives you the final 3 exercises for your Coolboard routine. You can view the whole workout by visiting our Snow Fitness page.
The winter season is well underway and by now many people have already had their first snow fix. Clearly with the current economic gloom there may not be much cash around so making sure that you're fit and tuned up for the snow is more important than ever, and then you can get the most from that hard earned lift pass!
Plus having your own Coolboard means you can fit in a few exercises when it suits you. If you haven't got your Coolboard yet then head over to to check out the options. Exercises have been devised by Adam Powell of Powell Fitness.
Coolboard Crunches:
Place the Coolboard on the floor and put the ball under one side like the Tilt Squats. From here sit yourself down at the bottom of the Coolboard then lean back onto it.
This is your start position with your knees bent and feet on the floor, look to get a 90 degree angle at your knees. From here contract your abdominal muscles and either crunch or sit up. Return to the start position and repeat.
Again look for a maximum of 20 reps and 3 sets.
Advanced Option:
To make this exercise harder assume the start position then slowly lean and push the deck so it is of the floor and balancing on the ball. From here start your crunches and sit ups and to make it even more advanced straighten one leg and lift it off the floor.
Coolboard Rocker:
Place the CoolBoard on the floor with the ball beneath it.
Get your hands on the board and grip each side. Take one foot out behind you then the other as though you were going to do a press up.
This exercise is quite advanced so even holding this position for 30 seconds can be advanced for some people.
Now you just start to push one hand/side down towards the floor and pull the other up towards you. Keep you abs switched on and don’t let your lower back arch or have your bum up in the air to much! This will stress your back.
Repeat this either for reps or a period of time e.g. 30 seconds.
Advanced Option:
As well as pushing one side down towards the floor you can roll the Coolboard to one side then repeat towards the other side so the board is making a figure of eight movement. Be careful of grazing your knuckles on the floor! Again repeat for reps of a period of time. Personally I prefer to run this for a certain amount of time.
Coolboard Dips:
Place the CoolBoard on the floor with the ball beneath it.
Sit on top of the Coolboard with your hands gripping the ends in a similar position to the Rocker. From here take your feet away from you so your knees are approximately at 70 degrees.
Now transfer your weight into your arms and slowly lift your bum off and forward of the Coolboard. Next you slowly lower down until your bum is just off the floor and you back is around 1 or 2 inches away from the edge of the Coolboard.
Push up focusing on using the back of your arms (triceps). Don’t let your legs take over. You will be surprised how much they assist this exercise.
Aim to do a max of 20 reps and 3 sets.
Advanced Option:
To increase the difficulty of this exercise straighten your legs. This means your legs cannot assist and places a lot more emphasis on the triceps. Trust me you will feel the difference. And for more advanced options try with one foot of the floor!
If you would like to know more about CoolBoard, click here,, and if you would like to arrange a training session with Adam, call 07917 765372 or visit . Adam can train you in person at home or at his Fitness Studio if you’re local, or arrange a long distance training program.