The winter season is fast approaching - many ski resorts are on the brink of opening, snow is falling with lots more due this weekend - so if you haven't started to think about upping your fitness levels, then now is the time to do it!
Yes we know Christmas is coming - with all the pressures to eat, drink and be merry that involves, but a little preparation now will mean you'll get much more out of your ski or snowboard holiday. After all we all know that ski holidays are not cheap - particularly in current times, so wouldn't it be great to be able to be on the mountain each day without getting exhausted? Get the best value from your lift pass and improve your fitness at the same time.
So where to start? Well as we mentioned previously in our What makes a great Beginners Week post, ideally you should be combining both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. But simply pumping iron is not the most effective way to fire up your body for the slopes. You should also be doing stuff to improve core strength and proprioception. One of the most effective ways of doing this is by using equipment designed to improve balance and posture.
Featured on Channel 5's The Gadget Show a few weeks ago, the CoolBoard is a great fitness tool for skiers,snowboarders, (and everyone else), and will do the trick if used regularly.
Pretty much every sport and activity you do will benefit from improved core strength - from ballroom dancing to golf, from snowboarding and skiing to horse riding. Having a strong core means that your body can work efficiently, and less strain is put on smaller, naturally weaker parts of your body - such as knee ligaments.
Nic Smith of CoolBoard says:
"Free floating on a ball, kept safe by our cleverly shaped ring, CoolBoard doesn’t suffer the limited movement of other balance boards and equipment. This makes it excellent for balance, core strength and stability, and all those stabilising muscles – the muscles responsible for holding a joint correctly in use, all of which is badly needed for snow fitness."
We are hoping to be showing you more and more ways of using the CoolBoard in the coming weeks and how it can help you get fit, strong and more prepared to have the best winter holiday ever!
In the meantime if you'd like to know more about the CoolBoard and the benefits take a look at their website. It's a portable and fun way to build up your balance skills and improve your core strength, without having to spend hours at the gym!