You probably are already aware of the benefits that some pre-holiday training can bring, but possibly don’t realise just how much.
Nic Smith of CoolBoard says:
"Injury is one of the worst ways to cut your holiday short. Preparation can drastically reduce your chances of injury, and as 40% of ski injuries are knee related, the knee might be a good place to start. If you have injured yourself in the past, there is likelihood that although it feels fine for normal life, the injured part is not ready for the demands of the piste making some preparation even more vital. And if none of this worries you, I bet you still want to get the maximum amount of fun from your trip, and finding yourself too tired in the afternoon or as the week progresses seems a waste of what could have been... "
As mentioned in our previous Get fit for winter post, the CoolBoard is an ideal tool to help build up your ski and snowboard fitness.
There are many exercises that can be done with CoolBoard, and CoolBoard’s master trainer, Adam Powell of Powell Fitness, will be showing you the best ways to prepare for your holiday. The first two exercises are shown below, and we’ll give you more as regular updates. Some will be ski or snowboard specific, most will be useful for both.
Exercise 1: Standing balance:
This exercise will take a little time to learn, but you will be benefiting from the moment you start.
Start holding on to a support and progress as you can... start with a couple of minutes, and increase up to 10 minutes as your ability grows.
By balancing on a CoolBoard you are working all the best bits. Your balance is being worked, helping to keep you upright, and increasing agility. Stabilising muscles of all the lower joints will be firing, making them stronger.
Your core strength and stability are coming into play. Dormant muscles (often unknown) will be caused to fire up again.
For Snowboarders, CoolBoard is an ideal movement simulator, especially for off-piste and powder. Rail grinders will also learn to hit that sweet spot and hold it. Grabs can be practiced.
Exercise 2: Tilt Squats:
The Tilt squat will benefit both skiers and snowboarders as the increased angle at the hips simulates different angles and therefore muscles you will encounter on the slopes.
Ensure one side is on the floor and the ball placed against the ring on the other side of the Coolboard. Keep your weight evenly between heels and toes, keep your shoulders level squat down ensuring your knees don’t track over your toes and your lower back doesn’t hyper extend or flex too much.
Remember the lower you go the greater the effort required, keep your core muscles fired up and ensure good form for every repetition.
Aim for a maximum of 20 reps and 3 sets. Progression is from 1 set of 10 reps upwards.
Also look to do pulses and squat holds at various angles looking to increase your time each session.
If you would like to know more about CoolBoard, click here,, and if you would like to arrange a training session with Adam, call 07917 765372 or visit . Adam can train you in person at home or at his Fitness Studio if you’re local, or arrange a long distance training program.